Welding roller stand tire drop strength test is an important step in the manufacturing process, welding roller stand tire for our life to provide a convenient, so we have to pay more attention to this process, what specific criteria that do, we look at it.
1. First, ensure that all parts of rubber tire roller frame welding and weld condition did not appear damage and prolapse, and ensure the normal test piece is the foundation.
2. Drop, welding roller stand tire axial displacement of not more than 1.2mm, roller rotation resistance value is not greater than the predetermined value of 1.5 times. Welding roller stand tire during operation, flexible idlers is very important ???
The tubular body and bearing no loose to keep the equipment running smoothly, otherwise it will make welding roller stand tire resonance beating.
Note drop rubber tire roller frame welding strength, to ensure the normal operation of machinery in everyday use, and drop strength test is a must do things.
Xiao Bian: lf